Foot Care                          Book Online

Foot CareTo keep your feet in good health, basic hygiene, nail cutting, and well-fitting shoes, may be all that is required, but when trouble strikes, it's best to seek professional help.

Some common foot problems that we deal with are:

Corns and Calluses

Corns and calluses are generally symptoms of underlying problems and in some cases, early warning signals of complex foot disorders. They are caused by continuous pressure in one particular area. This may indicate abnormalities or deformity in bone structure, or maybe by the way a person walks. Often corns and calluses are caused by ill-fitting or inappropriate footwear.

The most important thing to remember about treating corns and calluses is to never do it yourself without seeing a specialist first. Over the counter remedies such as corn plasters or paint will generally treat the symptoms, not the problem. We will recommend ways to relieve pain and get rid of the corn or callouses and also help isolate the cause and prevent the problem recurring.

Nail Problems


Caused by improper trimming of the nails, shoe pressure or repeated trauma. Most cases will respond to conservative treatment, while others may require minor surgical correction performed at our Clinic under local anesthetic.

Thickened Nails

This is a common condition, which is usually as a result of injury to the nail bed by dropping something heavy on your toes. Thickened nails can easily and painlessly be thinned down.

Fungal Infections

This nail condition is characterised by thickening, discolouration and separation of the front of the nail from the nail bed. In some cases, the nail may crumble. These infections tend to stay in the nail if they are not treated. We can assist with trimming and care of out-of-shape nail plates and recommend a range of anti-fungal medications available for treatment.

Heel Pain

Many people try to ignore the early signs of heel pain and keep on doing the activities that caused it. Heel pain is one of the most common conditions treated by podiatrists and is often seen in middle-aged men and women, those who take part in regular sporting activities and people who are significantly overweight and on their feet a lot. Early treatment might involve exercise and shoe recommendations, taping or strapping and anti-flammatory medication and the prescription of orthoses.

Plantar fasciitis

The inflammation of the plantar fascia may be aggravated by poor foot wear that lacks proper support, especially in the arch area.

Sever's Disease

Inflammation of the growth plate of the heel in children between the ages of 8-14 years as they become increasingly more active in sporting activities


If your diabetes is poorly controlled for a long period of time, this may lead to nerve damage, which impairs sensation to the feet. Most foot problems occur in people with diabetes when injuries/infections go unnoticed and untreated, or when healing is delayed due to poor circulation. We will assess and examine your circulation by feeling foot pulses and also examine sensation by testing reflexes, vibration and pressure sensitivity. We will work with you to show you how to monitor your own feet daily. Regular podiatry visits can help detect any changes early on and prevent them from becoming worse. Feet First are registered with the local PHO High Risk Foot Scheme on referral from a GP.


Foot orthoses are shoe inserts, designed to support, align or improve the function of the foot. If orthoses are recommended, we will provide a comprehensive service to ensure safe and effective foot care including:

  • A full clinical assessment of your foot problem, prior to prescription.
  • Prescription of orthoses custom made to suit your individual needs and biomechanics (the way your body moves) and fitting your orthoses.
  • Advice regarding exercises, footwear and/or additional treatment where relevant.
  • Comprehensive follow-up, including initial and ongoing treatment plan.